School Zone was incorporated by likeminded experts coming together to conceptualise a new way of dealing in quality products for schools. We have successfully created a one point purchase shop thereby easing the complicated process of sourcing quality products for the students. From the year 2012 our year of incorporation we have grown from a mere 2 schools to more than 60 Schools with some of big names in education, who have trusted us with our professional approach in supplying quality products in time.
Mauris at varius orci. Vestibulum interdum felis eu nisl pulvinar, quis ultricies nibh. Sed ultricies ante vitae laoreet sagittis. In pellentesque viverra purus. Sed risus est, molestie nec hendrerit hendreri
Founder of School Zone and a post graduate from SIIB. Has a vast experience of 10 years of dealing in stationery and uniform. His expert knowledge helps schools in giving the right products to students for better results.
Founder of School Zone and a Chartered Accountant by qualification, he opted to join School Zone to lend his expert knowledge in finance. He also shares a similar passion of servicing schools with a professional approach.
Founder of School Zone and a post graduate from IIPM. His expertise lies in sourcing of varied Text Books of NCERT, CBSE and other private publishers. He has played a major role in stream lining the supply chain management.
Completed his graduation from Australia, he shared similar dream of catering to Students. He joined our organisation in 2014 to manage Mumbai and Maharashtra operations.